
heiwantiyu 22-07-23 67阅读




本文转载自摩尔 *** 。

说到“网红”,大家还记得“网红名媛”祖师爷:帕丽斯·希尔顿 *** 吗?

她前阵子怀旧地在Twitter贴上十一年前与布兰妮的 *** 合照,并配上文字说自己当年和小甜甜共同发明了“ *** ”。


一时间这条推文就火了,但网友们并不是真的在感叹岁月,而是各种摆事实讲道理来反驳她发明 *** 这件事。于是评论区成了现代 *** 史的大型科普现场。

从1991年的电影《末路狂花》女主们的标准闺蜜 *** 。

到1920年的多人 *** 。

以及1910年对着镜子的ins式 *** 。


总之,就是想告诉这位巴黎 *** ,您没发明 *** 。

虽然过气网红不如狗,但摩尔突然很想写写这位当年炙手可热的It girl,毕竟如今那些流量担当的出名套路,都是当年希尔顿 *** 玩剩下的,而且无论世界怎样变,她似乎一直活在千禧年。

有句话这么说:世界是会变的,但巴黎和巴黎 *** 不会。


Paris Hilton

帕丽斯 · 网红鼻祖 · 希尔顿



毫不夸张的说,巴黎 *** 的身世绝对是玛丽苏女主豪华顶配。她的曾祖父是希尔顿集团创始人,没错,就是名下有着世界上50多个国家和地区2000多家酒店的那个集团。






先不说她自己的生活,巴黎 *** 可是连给自己狗狗都要建豪宅别墅的人。


这个别墅的内部设计与主人房子的设计一模一样,粉刷的颜色也是巴黎 *** 标志性的粉红色,另外还有空调暖气各种设备。这才是真正的人不如狗:)

所以,当05年她自己花了2000万人民币买了一套3400平方英尺的房子时,报纸的关注点居然是说她朴素的不像豪门 *** 。




什么机场街拍简直弱爆了,希尔顿 *** 的道具都是私人飞机。


然而因为太高调,她家还被小偷盯上过。2008年巴黎 *** 的豪宅遭到偷窃,损失了价值200万美金的珠宝。


这个事件后来还被索非亚·科波拉改编成了电影《珠光宝气》,里面的贝佛利豪宅就是巴黎 *** 友情提供的。




巴黎 *** 的耍过的套路


模特当了没多久,巴黎 *** 就被选入“纽约女生潮流指标”,开始渐渐被人熟知。但真正让她名声大噪的,则是因为一个不可描述的“艳照门”式录像带的流出。




后来这个录像带还被做成DVD发售,取的名字一语双关,叫做《1 Night in Paris》,还在2005年成为AVN奖的“最畅销作品”。



火了之后,作为网红鼻祖的巴黎 *** 自然也拥了有自己的真人秀,叫做《The Simple Life》,内容其实就是和好朋友Nicole Richie一起去农村体验生活。


顺便一说,后来Nicole去减肥了,从巴黎 *** 的“矮黑胖”跟班逆袭成了fashion icon。


插播完毕,我们再回到真人秀,虽然巴黎 *** 性格骄横,但心眼并不坏,所以这个真人秀也给她圈了不少真爱粉,基本都是黑到深处自然粉的那种。

既然是真人秀,自然要有梗,那个时候她最出名的一句话就是“That's hot。”

由于她词汇贫乏,所以每次评论东西的时候,只会说“that's hot”。


背后是your not:)

另外她对于自己的认识,也是相当深刻,在真人秀上直接对别人说你可以叫我“Paris或者 Bitch”。

不得不说卡戴珊是巴黎 *** 的真迷妹,真人秀这招也是复制黏贴的。


一人迷妹,全家都是粉丝。后来卡戴珊家的肯豆21岁生日时,直接copy了巴黎 *** 的21岁生日礼服。


身为网红鼻祖,这也都是巴黎 *** 玩剩下的。她走过T台,口碑比网红超模们好多了。








很多人现在觉得巴黎 *** 已经flop了,常年不见她的新闻,当年和希腊船王继承人订婚的新闻闹得沸沸扬扬,但后来还是不了了之……





可以说,从小看惯商业游戏规则的她,是个不折不扣的生意精。2005年当自己还是炙手可热的It girl时,就把自己的名字租给连锁夜店Club Paris大赚特赚。

后来还推出过自己的手机游戏“Paris Hilton's Diamond Quest”,可以说营销套路超前十几年,这一创举也给她带来不少收入。

更让人咂舌的是,她买下了一支西班牙巴塞罗那的车队,起名为SuperMartxé VIP车队,还参加过2011年125CC的世界锦标赛。

不过上面这些都是业余 *** ,真正为她带来高收入的,其实是她推出的香水。她名下一共有24款香水,总市值达到20亿美元!



不禁让我感叹:有钱的Simple Life,真的很Simple。

73 Paris Hilton Quotes That You Can't Overlook

A collection of quotes and sayings by Paris Hilton on life, fashion, business, simple, beauty, confessions, confidence, *** art, money, famous and lifestyle.

Paris Hilton is an American model, actress, and a socialite famously known as ‘Heiress’ of the ‘Hilton Group of Hotels’. She comes from a multi-millionaire family and has lived a lavish life since her childhood. She was interested in modeling and started her career at 19. She instantly gained fame and became a common face in the tabloid world. This fame encouraged her to start her own reality show ‘The Simple Life’ which turned out to be a great success. Her versatile nature forced her to try her hands at several other things.

After being successful as the owner of a lifestyle brand she wrote her autobiography ‘Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose’, which was followed by another book titled ‘Your Heiress Diary: Confess It All to Me’. She even made a studio album ‘Paris’ which turned out to be a great commercial success. She has also been in the limelight for many wrong reasons making her the ‘queen of controversies’. She has always caught the attention of media. Going by the critics, she has been famous for infamous reasons and for her lifestyle and wealth. She has said several things and expressed her views over several things. We have curated her thoughts and sayings from her writings, interviews, books and life. Go through the quotations and sayings by Paris Hilton that will give you a glimpse of her mind.

No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy

The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday

-Paris Hilton

All you have to do in life is go out with your friends, party hard, and look twice as good as the bitch standing next to you.

-Paris Hilton

What's Walmart, do they sell like wall stuff?

-Paris Hilton

The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.

-Paris Hilton

The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in

-Paris Hilton

Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.

-Paris Hilton

Some people change when they think they're a star or something.

-Paris Hilton

There's nobody in the world like me. I think every decade has an iconic blonde, like Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana and, right now, I'm that icon.

-Paris Hilton

Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything.

-Paris Hilton

I hate the taste of alcohol. When I'm drinking, I'm drinking Red Bull.

-Paris Hilton

I don't think there's ever been anyone like me that's lasted. And I'm going to keep on lasting.

-Paris Hilton

I don't like parties past 2 am. Then it's all losers and weirdos.

-Paris Hilton

I'd imagine my wedding as a fairy tale... huge, beautiful and white.

-Paris Hilton

I'm blonde and tanned and normal-sized! I'm sweet, shy, funny, have a big heart and I'm nice - and I like to eat.

-Paris Hilton

It will work. I am a marketing genius.

-Paris Hilton

I love Africa in general South Africa and West Africa, they are both great countries.

-Paris Hilton

Always walk around like you have on an invisible tiara.

-Paris Hilton

I get half a million just to show up at parties. My life is, like, really, really fun.

-Paris Hilton

One night stands are not for me. I think it's gross when you just give it up.

-Paris Hilton

All British people have plain names, and that works pretty well over there.

-Paris Hilton

I'm not the same person I was. I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute. It is not who I am, nor do I want to be that person for the young girls who looked up to me. I know now that I can make a difference, that I have the power to do that.

-Paris Hilton

Being grown up and in a serious relationship, I've learned so much. I'm happier than I've every been.

-Paris Hilton

What's a soup kitchen?

-Paris Hilton

The Backstreet Boys were so ten years ago. Whatever.

-Paris Hilton

I get along with guys; most of my friends are guys. It's easier to trust men sometimes. I only have a few close girlfriends that I trust.

-Paris Hilton

When Paris has to pee, Paris has to pee!

-Paris Hilton

If you have a beautiful face you don’t need fake boobs to get anyone’s attention

-Paris Hilton

First I wanted to be a veterinarian. And then I realized you had to give them shots to put them to sleep, so I decided I'd just buy a bunch of animals and have them in my house instead.

-Paris Hilton

It's traditional for an heiress to be raised in a sheltered way. No one thinks that's true of me, but it actually was.

-Paris Hilton

I really don't like going out anymore. I used to love it, but now it's not fun. I'd rather have friends come over and hot have to worry about crazy people taking pictures.

-Paris Hilton

I'm the nicest, most loyal person in the world when it comes to my friends.

-Paris Hilton

I like it, but it's yellow, and I'm like, I didn't want yellow for my engagement ring.

-Paris Hilton

When I was younger, my family would go camping and fishing on our ranches. My dad loves being around all kinds of animals. He's the one who got me to be a really big animal lover.

-Paris Hilton

That's hot.

-Paris Hilton

It's been my dream to have four babies by 30. I look after animals, so I'd have a lot to give my kids.

-Paris Hilton

I always knew I had a voice and I've always known I could sing, but I was too shy to let it come out. I think it's the hardest thing to do, to sing in front of people. When I finally let go and did it, I realized it's what I'm most talented at and what I love to do the most.

-Paris Hilton

I'm very intelligent. I'm capable of doing everything put to me. I've launched a perfume and want my own hotel chain. I'm living proof blondes are not stupid.

-Paris Hilton

You know your the best when people you don't know hate you.

-Paris Hilton

I think it's important for girls to be confident. Believe in yourself and ... everybody's hot

-Paris Hilton

You don't have to be an heiress to look like one, if you act like one then everyone will just presume you are one.

-Paris Hilton

I travel around the world constantly promoting my projects and endorsing products. Yes, I do get paid to go to parties; in fact, I'm the person who started the whole trend of paid appearances. But when you see me at a party, I'm always working or promoting something.

-Paris Hilton

I have been celibate for about six or seven months, I think. I would rather just make out and kiss someone instead of sex. I'm single. I said I would be single for a year and I am.

-Paris Hilton

I take my dog Tinkerbell seriously. I take my job seriously. But I don't take myself all that seriously.

-Paris Hilton

A true heiress is never mean to anyone - except a girl who steals your boyfriend

-Paris Hilton

Everything I do is blown out of proportion. It really hurts my feelings.

-Paris Hilton

I'm not a kid anymore. And I'm excited for all the amazing things to come.

-Paris Hilton

My mom decorated with lots of antiques. I never liked it when I was a little girl - I wanted to live in a modern house. But now I love it.

-Paris Hilton

This is Earth. Isn't it hot?

-Paris Hilton

I don't want to be known as the granddaughter of the Hiltons. I want to be known as Paris.

-Paris Hilton

I've made all my money on my own without my family and I work very hard.

-Paris Hilton

I’m not, like, that *** art.

-Paris Hilton

I don't want to be known as the Hilton heiress, because I didn't do anything for that.

-Paris Hilton

I hate when a guy brags... or he sweats.

-Paris Hilton

Barbie is my role modle. She might not do anything, but she looks good doing it.

-Paris Hilton

Yes, I've kissed a lot of guys. I like to kiss, but that's it. I don't go home with anyone. I sleep with my animals, like my baby monkey, Brigitte Bardot.

-Paris Hilton

All it takes is one drink to mess with the way you drive - it clouds your judgment and slows your reflexes. Don't take any chances. It just isn't worth it.

-Paris Hilton

A life without orga *** s is like a world without flowers.

-Paris Hilton

I’m an animal activist. Many people say that I’m a hypocrite, because I eat burgers and stuff like that but I won’t wear fur. But I’m not a hypocrite. I just only wear fake fur.

-Paris Hilton

By channeling my inner heiress, I created a new opportunity for young heiresses.

-Paris Hilton

I talk in that baby talk voice when I'm on TV, it's a put on.

-Paris Hilton

All you have to do in life is hang out with your friends, party hard and look twice as good as the chick standing next to you

-Paris Hilton

I'm so *** art now. Everyone's always like 'take your top off'. Sorry, NO! They always want to get that money shot. I'm not stupid.

-Paris Hilton

I'm the kind of person who, if I see a shooting star, I wouldn't stay there and watch it. I'd run to my friends and tell them because I would want everyone to see it too.

-Paris Hilton

My kitchen looks like the one from my childhood - very homey, with a little bit of Alice in Wonderland!

-Paris Hilton

Wal-mart... do they like make walls there?

-Paris Hilton

What's Wal*Mart? Is that were they sell wall stuff?

-Paris Hilton

Every woman should have 4 pets in her life. A mink in her closet A jaguar in her garage A tiger in her bed And a jackass who pays for EvErYtHiNg!

-DVD: Bottoms Up,Paris Hilton

When people you don't even know hate you, that's when you know you're the best.

-Paris Hilton

Wal-Mart, do they like, sell walls there?

-Paris Hilton

I don't really think, I just walk.

-Paris Hilton

It's no big secret that Nicole and I are no longer friends, ... I will not go into the details of what happened. All I will say is that Nicole knows what she did, and that's all I am ever going to say about it.

-Paris Hilton

Does Wall-Mart sell wall stuff?

-Paris Hilton





