
heiwantiyu 22-07-23 238阅读



正文翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:lxlewis 转载请注明出处论坛地址:-488493-1-1.html2019年8月8日,奥林匹克官方油管频道怀旧发布08年北京奥运会开幕式4小时18分钟完整版,许多网友表示还是之一次看到完整版。Olympic:Published on Aug 8, 2019Relive full the Opening Ceremony from the Summer Olympic Games 2008 in beautiful Beijing, China. The ceremony was held at the Bird's Nest on Friday, 8 August 2008. It was directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou.龙腾网 奥林匹克官方:重温2008年在美丽的中国北京举行的夏季奥运会开幕式。仪式于2008年8月8日(星期五)在鸟巢举行,由中国导演张艺谋执导。

评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:lxlewis 转载请注明出处论坛地址:-488493-1-1.htmlGilang Setyawibawa:Argurably, one of the greatest, if not, THE GREATEST Opening Ceremony of any multi-sport event, OF ALL-TIME!评论1:毫无疑问,这是有史以来最伟大的开幕式之一。Michael Mai: If you want a better one, let China do it again.评论2:如果你想要一个更好的,就让中国再做一次。OOF:This was by far the best Olympic Games opener评论3:这是迄今为止更好的奥运会开幕式RaymondHng:The Opening Ceremony for the 2008 Olympic Games started at 8 minutes after 8 o'clock in the evening on the 8th day of the 8th month of 2008. Eight is a good luck number in Chinese numerology. Of course, this video was uploaded on August 8.评论6:2008年北京奥运会开幕式于2008年8月8日晚8点零8分开始。在中国的命理学中,八是一个吉祥的数字。而且当然,这段视频也是8月8日上传的。[/copy]Mosquito chany:OH I JUST REALIZE THE DATE THIS VIDEO WAS UPLOADED哦,我刚注意到这个视频上传的日期Reginald Correa:I agree! 8 is lucky!我同意,8是一个幸运数字!coolstay85:Too bad it was not uploaded in 2018他们没有在2018年上传这个视频,太糟糕了。Panda Miles:It took 10 years for them to upload this评论7:他们花了10年才上传这个视频FÁBRICIO SANCHES:Excuse me Rio and London, but Beijing is legendary! An ambitious show that will be remembered for generations! Hugs from Brazil评论8:对不起,里约和伦敦,但北京奥运会是传奇!这是一场雄心勃勃的演出,将被几代人所铭记!来自巴西的拥抱China Hamyku:2008 Beijing Olympic Games, let the world see a real China. As a result, China's economy and strength have achieved rapid growth.评论9:2008年北京奥运会,让世界看到一个真实的中国。因此,中国经济和实力实现了快速增长。Nick Carter:Only a country with such a long history can do this.评论15:只有这样一个历史悠久的国家才能做到这一点。Official Spencer:Seriously, was the best Opening Ceremony and still gives me goosebumps...评论16:说真的,是最棒的开幕式,至今仍让我起鸡皮疙瘩……-울릉도밤하늘-:China is beautiful ,I like China~评论17:中国很美,我喜欢中国~ZacharyRaiden:Nothing will ever beat the drums, EVER, I was 8 when i saw it and Im 20 now, will never forget the beauty.评论18:没有什么能打败那个击鼓的节目,永远没有,我8岁时看到它,现在我20岁了,永远不会忘记它的美丽。Reginald Correa:The full version in its entirety and here's my rating: Music: 100%,Art: 100%,Staging: 100%.Overall,Beijing's Opening Ceremony is... SPECTACULAR! A perfect ceremony on a perfect day! Final grade: 100%! PERFECT!评论19:完整的版本,这是我的评分:音乐:100分,艺术:100分,舞美:100分。总的来说,北京的开幕式是…壮观的!在一个完美的日子里举行一个完美的仪式!最终成绩:100分!完美!ZAILANI ZAINAL:Firework:100%烟花:100分Robin Inoc:This Olympics opening makes you proud being Chinese! And I’m not even Chinese!评论20:这个奥运会开幕会让你为自己是中国人而自豪!我甚至都不是中国人!Tirtha Rai:China has set the standard of the olympic opening ceremony that no country except china itself can break.评论21:中国为奥运会开幕式设立了除中国以外任何国家都无法打破的标准。Zaimin Nosi:I can see Tokyo top this. Japaneses are kinda perfectionist. Just look at the closing ceremony of 2016 Olympics我觉得东京可以超越。日本人有些完美主义,看看2016年的闭幕式就知道了。Javier Florez:I've been waiting for this long time.评论22:我已经等了好久了За Великой Стеной Затаился Дракон:Zhang Yimou is genius! There is no another like him评论23:张艺谋是个天才!他是独一无二的。l S:Spectacular show! But I have a soft spot for his ode to Chinese calligraphy which is what he also did in his 2002 film Hero (Ying xiong).壮观的表演!但我对他的中国书法赞美诗情有独钟,这也是他在2002年的电影《英雄》中所做的。me mewho:I will NEVER forget this评论29:我永远不会忘记这个Re K:a remarkable moment in Chinese history and common memory for Chinese people评论30:这是中国历史上一个非凡的时刻,是中国人民的共同记忆。

