
heiwantiyu 22-08-12 64阅读



Critici ***

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Q: Andreas, you're often regarded as part of the Neo-Advaita scene which softens up the ancient and traditional teachings. You're accused of presenting some “enlightenment light" message and offering instant enlightenment. What do you think about that?


A: Not much actually. However, when you look a bit closer, you see that these people usually haven't really heard or were not really interested in what's being said here. Often, it's said that I claim “everyone is enlightened” and “you don't have to do anything in order to become enlightened”. Yet, that isn't really what's being said here. What I say is that there is no one separate and no one to be enlightened or unenlightened. Of course, in that sense, there is no one who has to do something at all. Yet, doing may apparently happen -or not.


Q: They say that you make it too easy and that people like that simple stuff.


A: I don't say that it's easy. For the seeker, it's not easy at all. Seen by the seeker, it's impossible. The seeker will never get it. The seeker will never be free. Insofar, this message is quite heavy for the seeker. The ease is that what we speak about is already the case. 'What is' is naturally whole by simply being itself. 'What is' is absolutely at ease being what it is. There is no effort anywhere.


Q: But the seeker thinks that they have to do effort.


A: Yes, exactly. That's how the seeker lives. They discard the simplicity of 'what is' and live in the illusion that they have to arrive there. They overhear the simplicity of the message and turn it into something very difficult and complicated. Another interesting thing is that this message has been around in the so-called ancient times as well.


Q: Really?


A: Oh, yes, you can find it here and there. It's much rarer than all this spiritual stuff, however, it's there. And what these people talk about usually is the personal interpretation of this simple and pure message. That's the thing with any religion: The actual message degenerates into a footnote and becomes suffocated by the rituals, practices and traditions of the person. For the seeker, the path is much more important than the goal because being on a path reflects its experience. Therefore, the seeker has to discard a message that denies its existence and the need to practice.


Q: Another critici *** is that you don't meet people from where they are. Is this message for everyone? Can it even be dangerous?


A: Well, theoretically it's for everyone. It doesn't say that you need any specific requirements. You don't have to have certain knowledge to face that. However, practically, it's only for those who are interested in it. And according to my experience, there are only a few people interested in that message. If you look at the numbers of people that are interested in that issue - compared to the numbers of people who are drawn to spiritual offers, for example -, you will see that they aren't many. There maybe some who are around that message for a while, but the ones who aren't really ready - and I don't mean “ready” in a negative way or in terms of there being a path - lose interest very soon. They simply don't get what they are looking for. Their apparent needs just aren't recognized by me. They don't get the attention they long for. They don't get the entertainment they look for. They don't get highs of spiritual uplifting and so on. So, they go away after a while.


Q: What about it being dangerous?


A: Well, there as well, I don't see a real danger. Of course, this message can have a huge impact on people's apparent lives. And, of course, there are lots of misunderstandings around this message. However, in the long run, I don't know anyone who was more disturbed than they were before. Or anyone who robbed a bank because they mistook the message for something like “nothing matters”. I mean, the whole “destruction” thing (which, potentially, sounds dangerous) refers to an illusion. What's also being pointed to -apparently - is wholeness itself. In a story-like sense, this is pointing to a healing that's already the case, which may sound very positive. Anyway, this message is totally neutral, so to say.


Q: There are people who say that you can't say this to people who aren't prepared.


A: Well, that's what I mean. My impression is that these people are simply not attracted to that message. There may be exceptions, yet, I actually don't see that happening.


Q: Some people also accuse you of giving a spiritual by-pass.


A: Yes, I know. I understand their impression, and I understand that they see it like that. However, my impression is that they never really followed what I say. Usually, that comes from their attempt to use this message as a spiritual by-pass and their experience that this doesn't work.


Q: Don t you say that there is nothing to seek?


A: Yes, of course, I do. But I don't say this to a person. I'm not trying to convince the person in order to create a better experience. But yes, of course, there is nothing to seek and nothing to find. Even all the so much honored people like Ramana Maharshi or Jesus point to this utter simplicity. I have no idea why this can be overheard so often. Well, me too, I overheard it (laughs). Most critici *** that comes to my ears rather refers to what people think that I'm saying than to what's actually being said. And usually, I can "proof" that instantly. In a sense, this message is much closer to the ancient scriptures than many of these people criticizing me, respectively that message think. Yet, it's not coming from a learned knowledge. You know, often there is a lot of double standard going on: If Ramana never read any scriptures- or rather read the scriptures only years after his apparent awakening -that's okay. If Andreas Müller from Germany never did that, he must be a fraud because he hasn't read the scriptures. Not that I want to compare myself with Ramana. I have never met him and would not dare to speak up in his name. I mean, there are so many people out there claiming to be in Ramana's lineage who have neither met him nor were able to ask him if it's okay that they speak “in his name”. Ignorant, that's what I think it is.


Q: You don't see yourself in Ramana's lineage?


A: Of course, I don't. As I said, I have never met him. I don't know what he was saying. Yes, there are these books – and there seem to be correlations, but, God, who the *** knows!? Who of those self-appointed gurus have ever met him? And, by the way, look at what they say, what they "pass on": the most superficial of the superficial of Ramana's words. They turn it into their psychological and spiritual games. If you take him for real, that probably was not what he said.


Q: And how is he for you?


A: As I said, I don't know much about him.I don't care much about him. Not because I think anything specific about him.He is just not around and therefore can't play a big part in my life. I don'tclaim anything. I just say what I say, or rather: There are the words leavingmy mouth that are leaving my mouth - and then we can discuss that.


Q: What about Tony Parsons?


A: Well, in the story, he told me that there is no one. However, why I heard it, I don't know. He is telling it to a lot of people (laughs).


Q: Do you refer to him in a kind of a lineage?


A: No, not really. It may look like that, and maybe it's like that, however, to speak of a lineage would absolutely contradict the whole message. Insofar, there is no experience of being a guru on his side, and there is no experience of having gotten anything, having reached anywhere or passing on anything on my side. You know, within the story, Tony was the one who told me, however, this whole thing is utterly impersonal. As I said, why I faded out and not so many others apparently, I don't know. And, you see, speaking like this already sounds as if something had happened at all. Again, we are missing the point. In the end, it had nothing to do with Tony, and it had nothing to do with me.


Q: So, does your message follow a tradition?


A: No, it doesn't. It comes from an utter directness. It seems as if you can find this message throughout history over and over again, yet, it never was coming from a tradition. The apparent person would love to squeeze it into a tradition with a path and special knowledge - and, above all, with something that you can and have to do. But what all these messages are trying to say is that there is no 'I' and nothing to get. This message can't be embedded into a system of beliefs, paths and hierarchy. In that sense, it speaks out directly what it means and therefore stands absolutely for itself. In the story, one could say: "Take it or leave it!" It doesn't leave any room for discussions – not because it claims to be right but because there isn't really anything to discuss. You know, that's the difference between a teaching and this direct communication: Within a teaching, the emphasis is on the path and of somehow “doing the right thing”. The whole emphasis is on what you have to do in order to proceed on your path. In a teaching, there is hardly any emphasis on finally arriving there. But all the people that I would refer to as communicating this message state that there is no 'I', that there is nothing wrong and nothing to get. The apparent me simply doesn't want to hear this, therefore, it has to fight it. I know, just because some Indian guys said that a few decades or a few hundred years ago, it's easy to put them on a throne and assume that they were talking about a religion. Yet, they all stated that they were talking about something very natural and ordinary. Wholeness is that natural reality, which is nothing else than what seems to go on. There is nothing else. It's simple and plain and obvious.


Q: But I can't see it.


A: Yes, simply because there is nothing to see. Look, Ramana might have said: “Just give up the seeking.” Exactly that's what liberation is: the end of seeking without finding anything. Yet, what's left is naturally whole. What's left is exactly this, yet, without the seeking for something else. That's it. Nothing has been found. Nothing has been additionally seen. It's just the end of the seeker.


Q: Hmm. How can the seeker end itself?


A: The seeker can't end itself, because there isn't even a seeker. The seeker doesn't exist.


Q: How can I make this become obvious?


A: You can't. I can't. Nobody can.Everybody is just helpless here. There is no way out and no way in. There is nopath, because everything is already the goal.




Useless 无用

True self 真我

Well-being 幸福

All is love 一切都是爱

Unio mystica 神秘合一

The ultimate goal 终极目标

Additional realizition 额外的领悟

Advantage-disadvantage 利益-弊端

What's the 'me'? “我”是什么?

Unwanted “我”不想要

No seeing 没有看见

Innocence 本真

Confused 困惑


Preface 前言

严 正 声 明



违 者 必 究

“ 赏银几文,沽取浊酒二两 ”

