
heiwantiyu 22-09-20 95阅读



2000年欧洲杯主题曲是e-type演唱的《Campione EURO 2000》。

《Campione 2000》是回归主题的产物,足球回归惊心动魄,比如决赛上法国的逆天;音乐回归 *** 四射,比如三分半不停歇的脉冲。与其说是歌,不如说是曲,歌词不再重要,就像实力不再是绝对胜负唯一因素,迪斯科版式已经超越主题曲范畴,这更像是欧洲人在向全世界展示现代文化。


Campione, campione

Campione, campione

Here we go

Here we go

It's time to get together

We're a dream team

Full steam all the way across the land

We got ourselves a landslide

Coming up the gathering is here

And the reckoning is here

Take a stand

There can be only one

There can be only one

Well, there can be only one

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

No way can stop us now

We're on the move so here we go

Get on up you've got nowhere to hide

We're going all the way now

Full attack, no turning back

There is no second chance

All aboard for the ride

There can be only one

There can be only one

Well, there can be only one

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Here we go!

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh


2000年欧洲杯的主题曲叫《Campione 2000》。

歌名:Campione 2000

所属专辑:《Euro IV Ever》




Campione, campione

Campione, campione

Here we go

Here we go

It's time to get together

We're a dream team

Full steam all the way across the land

We got ourselves a landslide

Coming up the gathering is here

And the reckoning is here

Take a stand

There can be only one

There can be only one

Well, there can be only one

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

No way can stop us now

We're on the move so here we go

Get on up you've got nowhere to hide

We're going all the way now

Full attack, no turning back

There is no second chance

All aboard for the ride

There can be only one

There can be only one

Well, there can be only one

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Here we go!

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh



1988年欧洲杯的主题曲《Champions League》(联赛冠军);

1992年欧洲杯的主题曲《The kingdom of love 》 (爱的国度);

1996年欧洲杯的主题曲《Football is coming home》(足球回家了);

2000年欧洲杯的主题曲《CampioneEURO2000》 (冠军2000);

2004年欧洲杯的主题曲《Forca》 (力量);

2008年欧洲杯的主题曲《can you hear me》 (你能听到我吗);

2012年欧洲杯的主题曲《Endless Summer》 (无尽的夏天);

2016年欧洲杯的主题曲《This One's For You》(这是给你的)



1960年举行之一届,其后每四年举行一届,已举办15届。赛事创办时名称为 European Nations Cup,其后于1968年改名为European Football Championship。该项赛事最初的目的是为了填补两届世界杯之间4年的空白,从而让欧洲各国有更多的比赛机会。


2000年欧洲杯的主题曲《Campione 2000》。

歌名:Campione 2000

所属专辑:《Euro IV Ever》


《Campione 2000》

Campione, campione

Campione, campione

Here we go

Here we go

It's time to get together

We're a dream team

Full steam all the way across the land

We got ourselves a landslide

Coming up the gathering is here

And the reckoning is here

Take a stand

There can be only one

There can be only one

Well, there can be only one

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

No way can stop us now

We're on the move so here we go

Get on up you've got nowhere to hide

We're going all the way now

Full attack, no turning back

There is no second chance

All aboard for the ride

There can be only one

There can be only one

Well, there can be only one

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

Here we go!

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh

There can be only one

Campione, campione ... oh oh oh oh
