2008年欧洲杯主题曲Can You Hear Me!中文翻译
This song is about Maria这首歌是玛丽亚
A close friend of mine一位好朋友
Who lost herself in drugs谁失去自己毒品
She told me to wait for her她告诉我她等待
But guess what...但猜测::
She never came back她从不回来
And I'm still waiting而我仍在等待
She told me她告诉我
Wait 'til you hear from me等待笑你听我
Monday, Tuesday it won't be周一、周二用不了
Wednesday, Thursday we will see周三,我们将看到周四
If only you can wait baby只要你能等待女婴
Wait 'til you hear from me等待笑你听我
Friday use your fantasy你用幻想星期五
Saturday you got over me周六比你我
If only you can wait baby只要你能等待女婴
Verse 1一月诗
She was called Maria and she really was a friend她叫玛丽亚,她是一个真正的朋友
I remember when we were walking hand in hand我记得当我们携手
She was telling me that she understands她告诉我,她理解
All the world and every thrill by taking little世界上所有的喜悦,并以每小
So she was trying everything and more这么多的一切,她试图
Alcohol and speed, coke and weed and tried to score酒精和速度,焦煤和杂草,试图得分
Tragedy: she didn't feel much better than before悲剧:她并不觉得比以前好得多
So she got away here quick to find a better kick于是她跑掉这里迅速找到更好揭幕
Never let it, wanna find her从不让它,她觉得万
Can't forget it to remind her不能忘记提醒她
She's my sister, wanna tell her她的姐姐,她告诉万
How I miss her, she told me我如何怀念她,她告诉我
Wait, don't call you've got to等待,你要不要 ***
Wait 'til you hear from me等待笑你听我
Wait, that's all you've got to等待,那一切还得
Verse 2二月诗
When she arrived in the city of the stars当她来到市明星
Blinded by the lights, a burning in the heart灯光闪烁,在心中燃烧
She believed to play what she called her part她相信她所扮演的部分叫她
A member of society to satisfy her dreams为了满足社会的一员,她的梦想
No one paid attention on her skills没有人注意她的技巧
So she found crack is another way to fill另一种方式是让她发现裂缝填补
The emptiness inside right now she got her thrill现在她得到了她的空虚内笳
Guess, who gave his life away?猜,谁给他的生命呢? She did it every day她每天
Narration part:叙事部分:
Why did she throw her life away?她为什么丢她的生命呢?
Why did she say don't call just wait?她说为什么不请稍等.
If you wanna go to the city of stars如果你去万城星光
Can you help me to find my girl Maria你帮我找我的女孩玛丽亚
She once was an actress and a beauty queen她曾经是一个女演员和一个选美皇后
Then the drugs took over and made her mean然后,她指药品接手
I tried to stand by her side make her feel alright我试着站在她身旁,使她觉得还好
But she wished to get over to the other side但她希望对方克服
And since I can't really get her out of my mind既然我不能和她真能出脑海
I'm asking you, won't you help me to find我问你,你帮我找不
She told me她告诉我
1988年欧洲杯的主题曲《Champions League》
1992年欧洲杯的主题曲《The kingdom of love 》
1996年欧洲杯的主题曲《Football is coming home》
1996年英格兰欧洲杯的主题曲就是标准的“天边最美的云彩”,历数各届主题曲,未能有出其右者。现代足球诞生地,为足球唱起赞歌自然底气十足,《Three Lions》其实是英格兰优良传统的宣传曲。首先将足球文化完整呈现,有别于高傲的常态,此曲系低调励志,讲述1966年世界杯封冠后的一路坎坷;其次将摇滚文化完美展示,1996年正是Britpop发展的巅峰期,英式摇滚潮里的尖兵Lightning Seeds担当,把一首足球之歌唱成当年的排行榜冠军单曲。《Three Lions》的确是为足球量身定制,英格兰被称为三狮军团,歌曲就叫“三狮之歌”;当年欧洲杯宣传语是“足球回家”(Football's coming home),这句妙语正是歌曲的副歌。精致到经典,才能流传后世,自1996年之后,此曲还分别作为英格兰1998年世界杯申办以及2010年南非世界杯出征时的曲目,这就叫一劳永逸,再过四年,换段歌词,就又成足球金曲。2000年欧洲杯的主题曲《CampioneEURO2000》
2000年欧洲杯,足球回到华丽之乡荷兰,豪华之师,铁骑之伍,郁金香的国度,天地都是五彩色,所以,主题曲也连带性华丽,彻底的欧陆电音风,足球变成一场热舞派对。《Campione 2000》是回归主题的产物,足球回归惊心动魄,比如决赛上法国的逆天;音乐回归 *** 四射,比如三分半不停歇的脉冲。与其说是歌,不如说是曲,歌词不再重要,就像实力不再是绝对胜负唯一因素,迪斯科版式已经超越主题曲范畴,这更像是欧洲人在向全世界展示现代文化。《Campione 2000》最终成为史上更时尚的主题曲,气质完全与无冕之王荷兰贴合,取过程不要结果,高调释放,毫无保留。本届大赛的确是下决心普及电音,不仅选中瑞典电音组合作品当主题曲,而且还专门发行一张电音合辑,22首超值装,一天一首,可以从开赛嗨到决赛。
足球是项优美的运动,所以要优美地进行。2004年欧洲杯是优美幻灭的一届,漂亮足球代表意大利、西班牙、德国小组赛即被淘汰,荷兰和法国也没能走到决赛。幸亏还有葡萄牙,主办国保证从主题曲到足球赛都将美留下,葡裔加拿大歌手妮莉·费塔朵(Nelly Furtado)为家乡献上史上更优美主题曲,轻盈、痛快、充满想象力。旋律跳跃优美,主题宣传团队合作,虽不是专为足球而作,但毫无僵硬感,2004年两位葡萄牙人让全世界记住这一届杯赛,场上C罗展示过人技术,场下费塔朵展示童女萌声,此时是全球热单《I'm Like a Bird》问世后第三年,征服大众的萝莉音显出阳刚之气。足球上的葡萄牙师从巴西,音乐上师从美国,所以《For#231;a》既有桑巴的轻盈又有流行乐的优美,至今所有主题曲中,此乃难得的“小清新”佳作。
2008年欧洲杯的主题曲《can you hear me》
奥地利瑞士合办欧洲杯的当年,欧足联说安立奎(Enrique Iglesia)是主题曲更佳人选,情歌王子说万分荣幸当选,有媒体指出,《Can You Hear Me》是无意义无 *** 无动力的“三无”劣品。听歌的人最无情,但至少点出问题所在,靠性感秒杀的高手,装作劲量小子翻跟斗实在别扭,所以,最终成曲生得一副公告牌金曲的面相,却无法获取欧陆大众太多认可。这是地域的不同,也是审美的错位,2008欧洲杯不相信奇迹,上届梦幻夺冠的希腊彻底悲剧,童话里走出的情歌王子也没能幸免,比拼动感,高帅富甚至没能比过糙哥夏奇(Shaggy),其献唱的吉祥物宣传片主题曲《Like a Superstar》和《Feel the Rush》着实动感。不过,虽有多处不济,《Can You Hear Me》还算完成主题曲使命,巅峰期已过安里奎的大名仍可吸引眼球,性感声线能够诠释 *** 足球,将女球迷留在电视机前。
2012年欧洲杯的主题曲《Endless Summer》
安立奎错位,欧申娜(Oceana)同样错位,两位实力派共同命运是赶鸭上架。个人专辑《Love Supply》中风情万种的金曲点唱机,待到为全球瞩目的赛事演唱主题曲时,遇上的却是首平常搭配平庸伪金曲,人气是一定会赚到的,口碑是不一定会树立的。名号不够响亮的欧申娜无法赢得更多耐心,更高评价也只能是刚刚合格,并非歌手能力不济,而确实是歌曲本身难当大任,匆忙准备、过程坎坷的波兰/乌克兰欧洲杯,连主题曲都不免山寨气息,歌词简单、旋律一般,甚至万能的 *** 都无法找到足够的资料来介绍。英格兰、葡萄牙两届赛事留下的光荣传统,在今年画上顿号,即使有放克、雷鬼加电音的新鲜跨界,也唱不出一项有着厚重历史感赛事的 *** ,誉满欧洲德国女歌手最终未能化腐朽为神奇。刚开锣的杯赛是否上演经典对决还属未知,但主题曲已注定与经典无缘。
2016年欧洲杯的主题曲《This One's For You》
1、2008年欧洲杯官方主题曲名叫《Can you hear me》
2、歌手:西班牙情歌王子Enrique Iglesias
Can You Hear Me!
I remember that I can still feel you
Sometimes I'm blind but I see you
You are here but so far away
The times when you wanna.. Im missing you
Makes me feel like I'm spinning
Sometimes you get what you gain
I'm on a coaster-collision
Am not about to give in
Can't explain my position or the condition that I'm in.
Where I am is no limit, no walls, no ceilings
No intermission, so let
Let the party begin.
(Chorus) Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?
Don't you mean that you're my vision
I gotta make a decision
Do I go, do I stay? (Stay)
You've gotten into my system
You are in control of my mental
I need to mean for a stay
I'm on a coaster-collision
Am not about to give in
Can't explain my position or the condition that I'm in.
Where I am is no limit, no walls, no ceilings
No intermission, so let
Let the party begin
(Chorus) Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Oooow Oooow Oooow Oooow Oooow Oooow
Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play.
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?
Lil Wayne:Enrique, Yea I can/This is Mr Morales
08欧洲杯 颁奖典礼的背景音乐 哪个国家的?
1988年欧洲杯的主题曲《Champions League》(联赛冠军)
1992年欧洲杯的主题曲《The kingdom of love 》 (爱的国度)
1996年欧洲杯的主题曲《Football is coming home》(足球回家了)
2000年欧洲杯的主题曲《CampioneEURO2000》 (冠军2000)
2004年欧洲杯的主题曲《Forca》 (力量)
2008年欧洲杯的主题曲《can you hear me》 (你能听到我吗)
2012年欧洲杯的主题曲《Endless Summer》 (无尽的夏天)
2016年欧洲杯的主题曲《This One's For You》(这是给你的)