
heiwantiyu 22-10-26 60阅读





很久以来,中国就有通过符号传递祝福的传统。北京奥运会吉祥物的每个娃娃都代表着一个美好的祝愿:繁荣、欢乐、 *** 、健康与好运。他们的原型和头饰蕴含着其与海洋、森林、圣火、大地和天空的联系,其形象设计应用了中国传统艺术的表现方式,展现了中国的灿烂文化。福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊、和平、积极进取的精神和人与自然和谐相处的美好愿望。娃娃们带着北京的盛情,将祝福带往世界各个角落,邀请各国人民共聚北京,欢庆2008奥运盛典。


奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。19世纪末由法国的顾拜旦男爵创立了真正意义上的现代奥林匹克运动会。从1896年开始奥林匹克运动会每四年就举办一次会期不超过16天。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。奥林匹克运动有一系列独特而鲜明的象征性标志,这些标志有着丰富的文化含义,形象地体现了奥林匹克理想的价值取向和文化内涵。如:奥林匹克五环标志由5个奥林匹克环从左至右套接而成,是蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5 种颜色, 1979年6月,国奥会正式宣布了会旗和五环的含义:象征五大洲的团结,世界运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。

第29届奥林匹克运动会的主会场,位于北京。在08年北京奥运会上,有8个大项和分项比赛项目已经不会有变。现在距离2008年奥运会还有1周年,比赛项目基本都确定。福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、 江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象。 “中国印•舞动的北京”会徽将肖形印、中国字和五环徽有机地结合起来,充满了深沉的活力。尺幅之地,凝聚着东西方气韵;笔画之间,升华着奥运会精神。










1936年,柏林-奥运火炬首次燃起。从本届奥运会起,点燃奥林匹克火焰是每届奥运会开幕式不可缺少的仪式之一。1956年,墨尔本-奥运圣火首度照亮南半球。1964年,东京-奥运火炬首次在亚洲点燃。1976年,蒙特利尔-卫星传递奥运圣火。2000年, 悉尼-奥运圣火水下传递。2004年,雅典-五洲共享奥运荣耀。


Fuk her Beijing in 2008 is the 29th session of the Olympic Games mascot, colors and inspiration from the Olympic rings, from China's vast land of mountains, rivers, lakes and sea-people image of favorite animal. Fu is her five lovely *** all intimate partners, and their integration into the shape of the fish, panda, Tibetan antelope, swallow and the Olympic flame's image. Each doll has a Lang Lang missing you name: "Babe," "Jingjing," "Huanhuan," "Yingying" and "Nini", in China, Permian-name is a favorite expression of the child Of the traditional way. When the names of the five children together, you will read out Beijing in the world for his kind invitation "Beijing welcomes you."

For years, the Chinese have adopted the traditional symbols convey blessings. Beijing Olympic mascots for each doll represents a good wishes: prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck. Their prototype contains a headdress and with the oceans, forests, the sacred flame, the earth and the sky links, image design of the traditional Chinese art performance, has demonstrated China's splendid culture. Her blessing to the children around the world convey friendship, peace, entrepreneurial spirit and harmony between man and nature of a desire. Dolls are the kind with Beijing, will be taken to all corners of the world wish to invite people of all countries copolymer Beijing to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Festival.

Olympic history

Olympic Games (Olympics), is sponsored by the International Olympic Committee included a variety of projects, an international sports games, held once every four years. The first Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece, due to held in Olympia named. The end of the 19th century by the French Baron Coubertin founded the true sense of the modern Olympic Games. From the 1896 Olympic Games every four years to begin organizing a period not exceeding 16 days. Olympic Games now has become a symbol of peace and friendship. Olympic sports have a series of unique and distinct symbolic signs, these signs is rich in cultural meaning, vividly embodies the Olympic ideal of value orientation and cultural connotations. Such as: the Olympic rings logo by the five Olympic ring from Taojie from left to right, are blue, yellow, black, green and red five kinds of colors, in June 1979, the IOC announced the official flag and the Fifth Ring Meaning: symbol of the unity of the five continents, the world athletes in a fair, frank and friendly spirit of competition in the Olympic Games meet.

The 29th session of the main venue for the Olympic Games in Beijing. In 08 Beijing Olympics, has eight categories and sub-events have not changed. Before the 2008 Olympic Games have one anniversary, the competition will be basically established. Fuk her Beijing in 2008 is the 29th session of the Olympic Games mascot, colors and inspiration from the Olympic rings, from China's vast land of mountains, rivers, lakes and sea-people image of favorite animal. "China and India • dancing Beijing" Xiao-shaped logo will be printed, the Chinese word rings logo and organically integrated, full of deep vitality. Chifu land and unite the East and West Qiyun; strokes between the distillation of the spirit of the Olympic Games.

Olympic rings

Olympic rings logo by Pierre - Germany - Coubertin in 1913 conceptual design,

It is a worldwide awareness of the most widely Olympic Games logo. Five different

Color Circle on behalf of the modern Olympic Games to participate in the five continents - Europe, Asia,

Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Olympic rings from left to right followed by blue, yellow, black, green, red,

On behalf of the Olympic movement, and participate in the Olympic Games and five continents gathered together all the athletes.

Olympic Torch

Fire is an important driving force behind human civilization, but also the hearts of our ancestors are sacred objects. The torch as an important link in the Games, has been 2700 years of history. Ancient Greek legend of the Olympia mountains are the habitat of the gods by the local people to commemorate the fire of human Daode Vulcan Prometheus, every four years should be held before the altar in a ritual ceremony.

Olympic flame lit in Ancient ceremony, originated in ancient Greece human stealing fire from heaven myth. Torch symbolizes peace and a bright future, unity and friendship, and so meaningful. Based on the tradition of the Olympic Games, the torch should arrive on the day before the opening of the host city, the opening day in the ignition. Torch on the road, or in the host city for the celebration activities, must comply with the ceremony of the Olympic ceremony, and shall not be used as advertising purposes. Ran through the Olympic torch, the host country often in the last paragraph in the distance, the arrangement with the characteristics of representative figures, such as winning glory for the country's Olympic gold medallists, in the fanatical appreciation of the audience before holding high the torch, Raochang A week later, Taiwan torch lit torch run. Flame in the field must be a clear position and should have good vision, the best in the General Assembly can also see the flame off-site suitable. In the Olympics, the torch can not be extinguished, when the flame extinguished, the Olympics will come to formally ended.

1936, Berlin - the first time the Olympic torch ignited. From this year's Olympics, the Olympic flame is lit at each of the Olympic Games opening ceremony of the indispensable one. 1956, Melbourne - the first time the Olympic flame lit up the southern hemisphere. 1964, Tokyo - the Olympic torch first lit in Asia. 1976, Montreal - satellite tran *** ission Olympic flame. 2000, Sydney - the Olympic torch underwater tran *** ission. 2004, Athens - five continents to share the Olympic glory.


The History of Table Tennis

Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introduced by J. Jaques Son, the game became a fashionable craze.

The game was popular in Central Europe in 1905-10, and even before this is a modified version had been introduced to Japan , where it later spread to China and Korea. After a period when it had dropped out of favor in Europe, the game was revived in England and Wales in the early twenties. by that time 'Ping-Pong' had been registered as a trademark, so the earlier name of table tennis was re-introduced. National associations were formed and standardization of the rules began, both in Europe and the Far East.Then, over the next sixty years, table tennis developed into a major worldwide sport, played by perhaps thirty million competitive players and by uncountable millions who play less seriously. However, the game itself has not changed in essence since its earliest days, though it is faster, more subtle and more demanding than it was even only twenty years ago.

Ping-pong Diplomacy

One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People's Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949.

In various ping-pong games, the most famous is the world championship competition, which was held once a year at the beginning, now, it is held twice a year ever since 1957.

In 1904, a shanghai shop keeper called Wang Dao WU, brought 10 sets of table tennis tools home, the game was therein introduced to china.

History of Swimming

The English are considered the first modern society to develop swimming as a sport. By 1837, regular swimming competitions were being held in London's six artificial pools, organized by the National Swimming Society in England. As the sport grew in popularity many more pools were built, and when a new governing body, the Amateur Swimming Association of Great Britain, was organized in 1880, it numbered more than 300 member clubs.

In 1896, swimming became an Olympic sport for men with the 100 metres and 1500 metres freestyle competitions held in open water. Soon after, as swimming gained popularity, more freestyle events were added, followed by the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and finally, the individual medley.

The first modern Olympic Games had only four swimming events, three of them freestyle. The second Olympics in Paris in 1900 included three unusual swimming events. One used an obstacle course; another was a test of underwater swimming endurance; the third was a 4,000-metre event, the longest competitive swimming event ever. None of the three was ever used in the Olympics again.

For a variety of reasons, women were excluded from swimming in the first several Olympic Games. In 1896 and again in 1906, women could not participate because the developer of the modern games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, held firmly to the assumption, common in the Victorian era, that women were too frail to engage in competitive sports. It was only at the 1912 Games when women's swimming made its debut at the prompting of the group that later became known as the International Olympic Committee.

From the humble beginning with four swimming events, the Olympics have developed to 32 swimming races, 16 for men and 16 for women. The Special Olympics, competitive swimming for people with disabilities, has 22 events for men and 22 for women.


Diving movement origin

The diving movement is the humanity in the same nature struggle, is following a movement project which the swimming skill development but produces. Before as early as produces in athletics diving, had the practical diving. In the London Great Britain museum, is exhibiting a ceramic vase, this is a 500 B.C. time cultural relic, on the vase is describing group of lovable young boys, the head down makes the diving the posture. This until now sees the diving movement earliest image. In our country, 1000 ago Song Dynasty on had the diving movement, moreover has the certain technical level. Song Dynasty poet's Wang?? once has made a description at that time diving poem: "In the human thinly sees the water swing, in front of the struggle arm bead curtain account palace. First trophy who captures? The right armed forces lose actually the water dragon boat." In the poem refers the water swing refers to the fancy diving, it compared to Europe's diving competition must early more than 600 years. When 17th century, area the Scandinavian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea's harbor, many stevedore, the boatman and the fisherman is in vogue on the steep ashore, the mast the diving. The modern fancy diving origins from Germany. By the reputation is "father of the fancy diving" John antique Smoot Si (1759-1838 year) in his Swimming art textbook Center, has introduced the German Halley area saltern worker's diving technologyAnother German sports educationalist Otto Crook in 1853 published "Swimming And Diving" in him in a book, proposed 53 kind of in-situ diving movements, 22 kind of approaches diving and 14 kinds of other postures. After 17 years (in 1870), in this book revised edition, has displayed 100 many kinds of diving postures and the movement. Obviously, 19th century diving movement had the very big development in Germany. In front of athletics diving, the diving quality is by weighs highly. Scandinavian, regardless of is jumps simple or the complex movement, all makes every effort from a higher place downward to jump. Also like the American outstanding pine, once led to New York in 1871 on a bridge to jump toward the water in, it was 46 meters highly. In 1900, the Sweden athletes have made the splendid diving exhibition at the second session of Olympic Games. Recognizes this is the earliest modern athletics diving generally. In 1904 at the third session of Olympic Games, the diving is listed as officially one of competition projects. At that time, only supposed a male diving platform item. American contestant Germany shed you by 12.75 minute have the honor to receive the laurel crown. In 1908 the fourth session of Olympic Games period being established international aquatic sports federation, reformulated and passed the diving contest rule, has determined 10 meters diving platforms diving compulsory exercise, also increased the springboard diving project, thus has laid the modern diving competition foundation. In 1912 fifth session of Olympic Games, female first participation diving competition. From 1920 the seventh session of Olympic Games, continuously to the present, all previous years Olympic Games diving competition and the international diving competition, all has the men and women springboard diving and the diving platform diving four projects. Worldwide basis large-scale diving competition, besides Olympic Games, but also has the world series and the World Cup competition. In 1973 has held the first session of world swimming trophy in the Yugoslavian Ljubljana, in 1979, National Swimming Organizition also organized a two years World Cup diving competition.



跳水运动是人类在同自然界斗争中,伴随着游泳技能的发展而产生的一个运动项目。早在竞技跳水产生之前,就有了实用的跳水。在伦敦大不列颠博物馆里,陈列着一只陶质花瓶,这是公元前五百年时的一件文物,花瓶上描绘着一群可爱的小男孩,正头朝下作跳水的姿势。这是迄今为止见到跳水运动最早的图像。 在我国,一千年前的宋代就已有了跳水运动,而且具有一定的技术水平。宋代诗人王珪曾作过一首描述当时跳水的诗:“内人稀见水秋千,争擘珠帘帐殿前。之一锦标谁夺得?右军输却水龙船。”诗中所指的水秋千就是指花式跳水,它比欧洲的跳水竞赛要早六百多年。十七世纪时,在斯堪的纳维亚半岛、地中海、红海一带的港湾,不少码头工人、船工和渔民就盛行在陡峭的岸上、桅杆上跳水。 现代花式跳水起源于德国。被誉为“花式跳水之父”的约翰·古特斯穆特斯(1759-1838年)在他的游泳艺术教科书中,就介绍过德国哈雷地区盐场工人的跳水技术.另一位德国体育教育家奥托·克鲁克在他1853年出版的《游泳和跳水》一书中,提出了五十三种原地跳水动作,二十二种助跑跳水及十四种其它姿势。十七年后(1870年),在该书的修订版中,已罗列出一百多种跳水姿势和动作。可见,十九世纪跳水运动在德国已有了很大的发展。 在竞技跳水之前,跳水的好坏是以高度来衡量的。斯堪的纳维亚人,无论是跳简单的或复杂的动作,都力求从更高的地方往下跳。又如美国人卓松,曾在1871年通往纽约的一座桥上往水里跳,其高度为46米。 1900年,瑞典运动员在第二届奥运会上作了精彩的跳水表演。一般公认这是最早的现代竞技跳水。 1904年第三届奥运会上,跳水被正式列为竞赛项目之一。当时,只设男子跳台一项。美国选手德舍尔顿以12.75分荣获桂冠。在1908年第四届奥运会期间成立的国际水上运动联合会,重新制定并通过了跳水竞赛规则,确定了10米跳台跳水的规定动作,又增加了跳板跳水项目,从而奠定了现代跳水比赛的基础。 1912年第五届奥运会,女子之一次参加跳水比赛。从1920年第七届奥运会起,一直到现在,历届奥运会跳水比赛和国际性跳水比赛,都有男女跳板跳水和跳台跳水四个项目。世界性的大型跳水比赛,除奥运会外,还有世界锦标赛和世界杯比赛。1973年在南斯拉夫卢布尔雅那举行了之一届世界游泳锦标,1979年,国际泳联还创办了二年一次的世界杯跳水比赛。


一、 关于之一次奥运会:

1. When was the first Olympic Games held? 之一次奥运会是何时举行的?

B.C.776 公元前776

2、.Where was it held? 之一次奥运会在哪里举行?

Olympia, Greece 希腊/奥林匹亚城

二、 关于古代奥运会

1、.which city is the religious center in the ancient Greek world?

A. .Olympia B. Spain C. the Black Sea D. Egypt

哪个城市是古希腊世界的宗教中心?A.奥林匹亚城 B. 西班牙 C.黑海 D.埃及

A. .Olympia 奥林匹亚城

2、Who could not compete in the ancient Olympics? 什么人不可以参加古代奥运会?

A. men B. boy C. women

C. women 妇女

3、At that time, what prizes did Olympic victors get? 古代奥运会上获胜的选手能得到何种奖励?

A. a crown made from olive leaves B. money C. a medal

A.一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠 B.钱 C.奖牌

A. a crown made from olive leaves。 一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠


1、Where did people get the Olympic flame for the first Olympic games?



2、What was used to light the torch at that time? 那时侯用什么点燃火炬?

The sun’s rays. 阳光

3、What does the torch relay stand for? 火炬传递意味着什么?

Spirit, knowledge and life知识,生命和精神

4、When did the Olympic Torch Relay begin? 奥运火炬传递从什么时候开始?

A.1942 B.1952 C.1962


5、How many days will the torch relay last at the 28th Olympic Games?


78 days 78天

6、How many torchbearers will take part? 多少火炬手将参与这次传递?


7、When will the Athens Olympic torch relay begin ?


Mar.25,2008. 2008.3.25

8、Where will the torch relay begin ? 火炬接力起点在哪?


Where will it end? 终点在哪?

Beijing 北京


1、what do the five interlocked rings stand for? 奥运的五环标志是什么含义?

Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe./the five continents.


2、What are the colours of the five interlocked rings? 五环的颜色是什么?

Blue, black, red, yellow and green 兰色,黑色,红色,黄色和绿色


1、The Olympic motto is "Swifter, Higher, Stronger." Please put it into Chinese.


2、What is the most important thing in the Olympic Games? 奥林匹克运动会的信条是什么?

“not to win but to take part” 重要的不是取胜,而是参加

3、What is the Olympic Spirit? 什么是奥运精神?

The Olympic Spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play.

奥运精神是: 理解, 友爱, 团结和公平.


1、Who is the founder of the modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运的发起者是谁?

Coubertin 顾拜旦

2、When was the first modern Olympic Games held? 之一届现代奥运会是什么时候举行的?


3、Where was the first modern Olympic Game held? 之一届现代奥运会在哪举行?



1、What do the winners receive at the modern Olympic games ?


Gold, silver and bronze medals 金牌, 银牌和铜牌

2、How often are the Olympic games held? 奥林匹克比赛多少年举行一次?

Every four years 4年

3、How many Olympic Games have been held?

28 Games 奥运会已举行了多少届? 28届

4、What happens in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Olympic Games?


Music,singing, dancing and fireworks. 音乐,歌曲,舞蹈,焰火。

5、What’s the significance? 有何意义?

To discover the culture of the country hosting the Games. 发觉和表现举办国家的文化。


1、What does IOC stand for? IOC代表什么?

IOC: the International Olympic Committee (June 23, 1894,Paris)


2、Where is it located? 座落在哪里?

In Lausanne(洛桑), Switzerland 瑞士的洛桑。

3、Who is the first Chinese member of IOC? 国际奥委会的之一位中国成员是谁?

Wang Zhengting 王正廷

4、How many Chinese have been elected as IOC members?


Before 1949,the Liberation of China, three Chinese were elected as IOC members. Kong Xiangxi(1939)was a famous one. 在1949年解放以前有三位,其中孔详熙是最有名的一位。

After the 1970s, four Chinese from the sport world were elected as IOC members. He Zhenliang is the most famous. 70年代以后,体坛有四位中国人被选为其成员,何振梁是最有名的一位。


1、What time can the marathon date back to? 马拉松可以追溯到何时?

It can date back to the 5th century B.C.能追溯到公元前5世纪。

2、What was Marathon then? 那时马拉松是什么?

It was a *** all town about 26 miles from the city of Athens in Greece.


3、Where did the marathon come from? 马拉松运动的起源是什么?

It came from the story in the 5th century B.C. how a herald named Phidippides ran the 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory and died on the spot.


4、What’s the distance the modern Olympic marathon covered? 现代奥林匹克马拉松全程有多长?

Approximately 26 miles 大约26英里。

5、How long does it take for athletes to finish? 运动员要花多长时间跑完全程?

It usually takes over 2 hours for athletes to finish. 通常要花2个多小时。


1、When did China begin to take part in the Olympic Games? 中国何时起开始参加奥运会?

China took part in the Olympic Games in 1928. 于1928年。

2、Where did China begin to take part in the Olympic Games? 中国在何地开始参加奥运会?

In Holland.在荷兰。

3、In what sports do we Chinese do best? 中国人最擅长哪些运动项目?

Badminton,(羽毛球) Diving,(跳水) Table tennis(乒乓球) Weightlifting(举重)

4、Who was China’s first medallist? 谁是中国之一个金牌获得者?

Xu Haifeng 徐海峰

5、Who won the most gold medals at the Olympic games in Chinese history?


Deng yaping and Fu Mingxia. 邓亚平和伏明霞

6、Name five sports that will be included in the 28th Olympic games? 说出至少五种奥运会比赛项目

baseball; basketball; boxing; table tennis; diving, swimming, swimming and water polo

棒球,篮球,拳击, 乒乓球, 跳水、游泳, 水球,

7、What is the Beijing Olympic slogan? 北京申办奥运会的口号是什么

New Beijing, New Olympic. 新北京,新奥运


1、What is the official emblem of Beijing 2008? 2008年北京奥运会的官方会徽是什么样的?

"Chinese Seal-Dancing Beijing"

2、 What does it stand for? 它象征着什么?

It stands for the name of the host city and represents a particularly significant Chinese style.


3、Name one of the four meanings of this emblem.


- Chinese culture,

- the color of red China

- Beijing welcomes friends from all over the world

- to challenge the extreme and achieve the perfect and promote the Olympic motto of "Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger).




----- 北京欢迎来自世界的朋友

---- 挑战极限,挑战自我,“更快,更高,更强”。



The emblem resembles a person doing "taiji" (Tai Ch'I), symbolizing gracefulness, harmony, vitality and mobility as well as unity, cooperation, exchange and development.


1、When will be the Opening date and Closing date for the 29th Olympic Games?


Aug.8,2008- Aug.21,2008 2008,8,8-----2008,8,21

2、Which Country will hold the 29th Olympic Games? 由哪个国家主办第29届奥运会?

China 中华人民共和国

3、How many competition venues will there be in Beijing for the 29th Olympic Games?



4、2008年北京奥运会主题口号正式揭晓,中文口号为:同一个世界 同一个梦想;英文口号为:One World One Dream。

5、北京奥运会的三大理念: 绿色奥运(the Green Olympics)、科技奥运(the Scientific Games)、人文奥运(People's Olympics)

有关于各种运动的资料 (英文)

运动 yùndòng 1、[arrange things through pull]∶为求达到某种目的而奔走钻营 如:老猫牯发动的各种运动,给苦难的中国带来了空前的灾难。 2、[raise]∶张罗;准备 心里还想,等有些钱钞到手,好去运动。——《二刻拍案惊奇》 3、[arouse]∶鼓动 我自回国之后,原想去运动 *** ,做一番事业。——《负曝闲谈》 运动 yùndòng 1、[move;turn around]∶运行转动 因天时而行罚,顺阴阳而运动。——《新语》 2、[utilize;put to use]∶运用 夫宰相运动枢极。——《后汉书》 3、[motion]∶物 *** 置不断改变的现象 直线运动 4、[sports]∶可促进身体健康的身体活动 排球运动 5、[movement]∶向群众公开宣扬某种思想、见解、主义的群众活动 护路运动 运动的好处: 在生理上: 1、体育锻炼有利于人体骨骼、肌肉的生长,增强心肺功能,改善血液循环系统、呼吸系统、消化系统的机 能状况,有利于人体的生长发育,提高抗病能力,增强有机体的适应能力。 2. 减低儿童在成年后患上心脏病,高血压,糖尿病等疾病的机会. 3、体育锻炼是增强体质的最积极、有效的手段之一。 4、可以减少你过早进入衰老期的危险。 5、体育锻炼能改善神经系统的调节功能,提高神经系统对人体活动时错综复杂变化的判断能力,并及时做出协调、准确、迅速的反应;使人体适应内外环境的变化、保持肌体生命活动的正常进行。 在心理上: 1、体育锻炼具有调节人体紧张情绪的作用,能改善生理和心理状态,恢复体力和精力; 2、体育锻炼能增进身体健康,使疲劳的身体得到积极的休息,使人精力充沛地投入学习、工作; 3、舒展身心,有助安眠及消除读书带来的压力 4、体育锻炼可以陶冶情操,保持健康的心态,充分发挥个体的积极性、创造性和主动性,从而提高自信心和价值观,使个性在融洽的氛围中获得健康、和谐的发展; 5、体育锻炼中的集体项目与竞赛活动可以培养人的团结、协作及集体主义精神。 少年是人一生中身心发育趋向成熟的重要转折时期,这时你会惊异的发现,在生理和心理方面出现许多前所未有的变化,并明显的感到,我长大了。随着人民生活水平和文化素质的提高,“爱美之心,人皆有之”,我们要在体育运动中茁壮成长、在运动中保持健美。
