
heiwantiyu 22-10-31 89阅读





iMODEL! 模特演员

Gain firsthand experience as a model that will give you the edge to succeed in the highly competitive model and fashion industry. Winners will receive cash awards and the chance to perform in the final night showcase fashion shows produced by Suzanne Von Shaack. Models are evaluated in the following categories:作为专业模特可以通过盛会亲身体验到竞争激烈的时尚和模特领域。获奖者可以得到现金奖金和有机会参加Suzanne Von Shaack *** 的盛典晚会秀。模特演员将在以下几个类被评选:


• PRINT 广告

• SWIMWEAR泳装 Models can also be seen in commercial print and beauty television commercials.模特演员也可参加广告和电视广告的比赛


1. You must radiate confidence! When you go on an interview before a famous designers’ show and they ask you to walk, you must walk as though it is the real show; lights, music, audience! Wear black and white, simple clothing and don’t go crazy with your hair and make-up. 你必须让你自己闪闪发光!当你被一名著名的时装设计师面试时,你必须让自己好象在真正的走秀,灯光,音乐,观众!尽量穿黑白色,简洁的衣装,不要过分的化妆和发型。

2. For the swimsuit competition, choose a piece that flatters your figure. It can be a bikini or one piece for the girls, trunks for the boys. Make sure you look good in your outfit and watch the tan lines. 泳装比赛时,挑选一件能显示身材的泳装,女孩可以穿比基尼或一件的泳装,男孩可以穿泳裤。注意自己的外形,不要让晒黑的皮肤不均匀的在泳装上显示出来。

3. Keep in mind that you should submit only your best photographs. Make sure the photographs are done by professionals and show your true qualities – size, type, age and make sure you look your best. You only get one chance to make a first impression!牢记要提供自己更好的照片,照片要有专业摄影师拍摄,能够体系你真正的品质-尺寸,类型,年龄。之一印象也是最重要的,也许是唯一的一次机会。

iPOP! models have gone on to success in New York, Paris, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo. 盛会的模特成功的在纽约,巴黎,洛杉矶,旧金山和东京工作。


全国服装印花装饰精品大赛(截至到09年3月31日) 2009年第六届“浩沙杯”中国泳装设计大赛2009年“9.15时尚杯”多拉美家居服设计大赛(参赛截止:2009-9-15) 2009年网上国际家纺设计大赛 2009第六届威海红升杯服装画设计大赛 2009中国童装设计大赛(参赛截止:2009-6-
