These years in Real Madrid, and in this city of Madrid, have been possibly the happiest of my life.在皇马和马德里市的这9年,可能是我生命中最幸福的时光。I only have feelings of enormous gratitude for this club, for its fans and for this city. I can only thank all of them for the love and affection I have received.我现在只想对俱乐部和马德里这座城市表示最真诚的感谢,我曾收到无数来自你们的爱和关怀,我能说的只有谢谢。However, I believe that the time has come to open a new stage in my life and that is why I have asked the club to accept transferring me. I feel that way and I ask everyone, and especially our fans, to please understand me.然而,我相信现在是时候进入人生的新阶段了,因此我要求俱乐部允许我离开。为此,我向所有人致歉,特别是俱乐部的球迷,请大家理解我。They have been absolutely wonderful for nine years. They have been nine unique years. It has been an emotional time for me, full of consideration but also hard because Real Madrid is of the highest demands, but I know very well that I will never forget that I have enjoyed football here in a unique way.过去九年时光的车轮滚滚向前,留下了无比精彩的印记,这份岁月独一无二,让我激动非凡,也让我不断思考,即便在艰难的时刻也是一样,因为皇马对球员有着非常高的要求。但我知道,这段岁月我永远也不会忘记,我在这里的九年中用一种绝无仅有的方式享受了足球。I have had fabulous team-mates on the field and in the dressing room, I have felt the warmth of an incredible crowd and together we have won three Championships in a row and four Championships in five years. And with them also, on an individual level, I have the satisfaction of having won four Gold Balls and three Gold Boots. All during my time in this immense and extraordinary club.无论在球场还是更衣室,我的队友都非常出色,我感受到了这个集体给我无与伦比的温暖。我们一起赢得了欧冠三连冠,并在五年内豪取四冠。在队友的帮助下,我赢得了4座金球奖和3座欧洲金靴……所有这些,我都是在这家卓越非凡的俱乐部里成就的。Real Madrid has conquered my heart, and that of my family, and that is why more than ever I want to say thank you: thanks to the club, the President, the directors, my colleagues, all the technical staff, doctors, physios and incredible workers that make everything work, that tirelessly pursue every minute detail.皇家马德里在我和家人的心中赢得了一席之地。为此,我比以往任何时候都更愿意说一声谢谢:感谢俱乐部,主席,董事会,所有队友和教练,谢谢理疗师和所有员工出色的工作,是你们让球队精益求精,让所有的细节日臻完美。Thank you infinitely once more to our fans and thanks also to Spanish Football. During these nine exciting years I have played against great players. My respect and my recognition for all of them.我想再次对所有的球迷再次送上我那份永远也说不完的感谢,应该感谢的还有西班牙足球,过去九年我曾和很多顶级球员交手,我想对他们再次送上我的那份尊重和认同。I have reflected a lot and I know that the time has come for a new cycle. I'm leaving but this shirt, this badge and the Santiago Bernabeu but they will continue to always feel part of me wherever I am.我思考了很久,我知道现在是时候开启人生新阶段了。我将就此离去,但未来无论身在何处,这个队徽和伯纳乌都将一直伴我不断前行。Thanks to all and, of course, as I said that first time in our stadium nine years ago: Go Madrid!谢谢所有人!当然,正如我九年前之一次踏上伯纳乌说的那样——“加油,马德里!”往期精彩英语演讲集
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