
heiwantiyu 22-10-15 94阅读



各种体育赛事英文    简称    中文 International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) 国际网球联合会

Association Tennis Professional ( ATP ) 国际男子职业网球协会

Womens Tennis Association ( WTA ) 国际女子职业网球协会

Wimbledon Championship 温布尔顿网球锦标赛

US Open 美国网球公开赛

French Open 法国公开赛

Austria Open 澳大利亚网球公开赛

Davis Cup 戴维斯杯

Federation Cup 联合会杯

Hopmen Cup 霍普曼杯

ATP Masters Series Indian Wells 大师系列赛印第安维尔斯站

ATP Masters Series Miami 大师系列赛迈阿密站

ATP Masters Series Monte Carlo 大师系列赛蒙特卡洛站

ATP Masters Series Rome 大师系列赛罗马站

ATP Masters Series Hamburg 大师系列赛汉堡站

ATP Masters Series Canada 大师系列赛加拿大站

ATP Masters Series Cincinnati 大师系列赛辛辛那提站

ATP Masters Series Madrid 大师系列赛马德里站

ATP Masters Series Madrid 大师系列赛巴黎站

Tennis Masters Cup 大师杯总决赛

Federation Internationale de Football Association 国际足球联合会

UEFA 欧洲足球协会联盟

The FA 英国足球协会

Barclays Premier League (巴克莱)英国超级联赛

coca-cola championship (可口可乐)英国冠军联赛

Carling Cup 联赛杯

FA Cup 足总杯

UEFA Cup 联盟杯

Champoins League 冠军杯(冠军联赛)

Euro Cup 欧洲杯

World Cup 世界杯

England Premiership 英格兰超级联赛

Italy Seria A 意大利足球甲级联赛

Germany Bundesliga 德国足球甲级联赛

Spain La Liga 西班牙甲级联赛

France Le Chanpionnat 法国足球甲级联赛

FiA Formula World Championship(F1)一级方程式锦标赛

FORMULA 1 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix 一级方程式巴林大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix 一级方程式马来西亚大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Foster's Australian Grand Prix 一级方程式澳大利亚大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Gran Premio Foster's di San Marino 一级方程式圣马力诺大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Grand Prix of Europe 一级方程式欧洲大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Gran Premio de Espana 一级方程式西班牙大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Grand Prix de Monaco 一级方程式摩纳哥大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Foster's British Grand Prix 一级方程式英国大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Grand Prix du Canada 一级方程式加拿大大奖赛

FORMULA 1 United States Grand Prix 一级方程式美国大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Grand Prix de France 一级方程式法国大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Grosser Mobil 1 Preis von Deutschland 一级方程式德国大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Magyar Nagydij 一级方程式匈牙利大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Petrol Ofisi Turkish Grand Prix 一级方程式土耳其大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Gran Premio Vodafone d'Italia 一级方程式意大利大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Sinopec Chinese Grand Prix 一级方程式中国大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix 一级方程式日本大奖赛

FORMULA 1 Grande Premio do Brasil 一级方程式巴西大奖赛









INDEPENDENT LEAGUE(Independent) 独立联赛 

WNBA 美国女子职业篮球赛 

WCBA 中国女子篮球联赛 

The International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会 

Coordination Commission for the Olympic Games 奥运协调委员会 

Council of the Olympic Order 奥林匹克勋章委员会 

International Relations Commission 国际关系委员会 

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) 国际田径联合会 

International Rowing Federation(IRF) 国际赛艇联合会 

International Badminton Federation(IBF) 国际羽毛球联合会 

International Baseball Federation(IBAF) 国际棒球联合会 

International Basketball Federation(FIBA) 国际篮球联合会 

International Boxing Federation(IBF) 国际拳击联合会 

International Canoe Federation(FIC) 国际皮滑艇联合会 

Inernational Cycling Union(UCI) 国际自行车联盟 

Federation Equestre Internationale(FEI) 国际马术联合会 

Federation Internationale d'Escrime(FIE) 国际击剑联合会 

Federation Internationale de Football Association(FIFA) 国际足球联合会 

International Gymnastics Federation(FIG) 国际体操联合会 

International Weightlifting Federation(IWF) 国际举重联合会 

International Handball Federation(IHF) 国际手球联合会 

International Hockey Federation(FIH) 国际曲棍球联合会 

International Judo Federation 国际柔道联合会 

International Federation of Associated Wresting Styles(FILA) 国际摔跤联合会 

Federation Internationale de Natation(FINA) 国际游泳联合会 

Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne(UIPM) 国际现代五项联盟 

International Softball Federation(provisoire/provisional(ISF) 国际垒球联合会 

International Tennis Federation(ITF) 国际网球联合会 

nternational Table Tennis Federation(ITTF) 国际乒乓球联合会 

International Shooting Sport Ferderation(ISSF) 国际射击运动联合会 

International Archery Federation(FITA) 国际射箭联合会 

International Triathlon Union(ITU) 国际铁人三项联盟 

International Sailing Federation (ISAF) 国际帆船联合会 

International Volleyball Federation(FIVB) 国际排球联合会 

International Biathlon Union(IBU) 国际冬季两项全能联盟 

Federation Internationale de Bobsleigh et de Tobogganning(FI *** ) 国际有舵雪撬联合会 

World Curling Federation(WCF) 世界冰壶运动联合会 

International Ice Hockey Federation(IIHF) 国际冰球联合会 

Federation Internationale de Luge de Course(FIL) 国际无舵雪撬联合会 

International Skating Union(ISU) 国际滑冰联盟 

Federation Internationale de Ski(FIS) 国际滑雪联合会


1、跳高:the high jump  音标:[ði haɪ dʒʌmp]

2、跳远:the long jump 音标: [ði lɔŋ dʒʌmp]

3、赛跑:the race 音标:[ði res]

4、游泳:swimming 音标: [ˈswɪmɪŋ]

5、曲棍球:hocky 音标: ['hɒkɪ]

6、足球:soccer 音标: [ˈsɑ:kə(r)]





3、乒乓球:table tennis





8、冰球:ice hocky



1、The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.


2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands, but never with the fist.


3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man running at good speed.


4. The ball must be held in or between the hands. The arms or body must not be used for holding it.


5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking or tripping in any way of an opponent. The first infringement of this rule by any person shall count as a foul; the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game. No substitution shall be allowed.


6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violations of Rules 3 and 4 and such as described in Rule 5.


7. If either side make three consecutive fouls it shall count as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents in the meantime making a foul).


8. Goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the ground into the basket and stays there, providing those defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on the edge and the opponents move the basket, it shall count as a goal.


9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field and played by the first person touching it. In case of dispute the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The thrower-in is allowed five seconds. If he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on them.


10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have the power to disqualify men according to Rule 5.


11. The referee shall be the judge of the ball and decide when it is in play in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.


12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves with five minutes'rest between.


13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winners.














我想知道用英语怎样说呀 关于羽毛球的比赛规则


Change the server, alternate in serving:换发球;change courts:交换场地

change service courts:互换左右发球区,互换方位

choice of court ends or service:选择场地或发球权

odd number of points:单数分数;even number of points:双数分数

order of service:发球次序;"Love all ,play!" :“零比零,开始比赛!”

"Set 2 points!" :“再赛两分!”;Ace, service ace:发球得分


receiving side:接发球一方;second server:(旧规则的双打)第二发球

"Service over!" :(单打)换发球


racket head above the hand:拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规)

serving above the waist:高于腰部的发球(发球犯规)

serve from the wrong-service court:发球站错方位

short :(发球时的)短球;touch the net:触网;unclean hit:有拖带动作的击球

double hit:连击;fault:①失误②犯规;faulty serving:发球违例

foul hit:击球犯规;out of position:站错位;good return:合法还击

good service:合法发球;score cancelled:得分无效


1、Right service count:右发球区

羽毛球场成长方形, 发球员的分数为0或双数时,双方运动员均应再各自的右边发球发球或接发球 。

2、Left service court:左发球区


3、choice of court ends or service:选择场地或发球权


4、good return:合法还击


5、alternate courts:交换发球区




7、change court: 交换场地




Football is the name given to a number of different, but related, team sports. The most popular of these worldwide (and by far the most popular sport worldwide) is association football, which can be abbreviated soccer. The English language word football is also applied to rugby football (rugby union and rugby league), North American football (American and Canadian), Australian rules football, and Gaelic football.

Some of the many different codes of football.While it is widely believed that the word football originated in reference to the action of a foot kicking a ball, there is a rival explanation, which has it that football originally referred to a variety of games in medieval Europe, which were played on foot.[1] These games were usually played by peasants, as opposed to the horse-riding sports often played by aristocrats. While there is no conclusive evidence for this explanation, the word football has always implied a variety of games played on foot, not just those that involved kicking a ball. In some cases, the word football has been applied to games which have specifically outlawed kicking the ball. (See football (word) for more details.)

All football games involve scoring with a spherical or prolate spheroid ball (itself called a football), by moving the ball into, onto, or over a goal area or line defended by the opposing team. Many of the modern games have their origins in England, but many peoples around the world have played games which involved kicking and/or carrying a ball since ancient times.

The object of all football games is to advance the ball by kicking, running with, or passing and catching, either to the opponent's end of the field where points or goals can be scored by, depending on the game, putting the ball across the goal line between posts and under a cros *** ar, putting the ball between upright posts (and possibly over a cros *** ar), or advancing the ball across the opponent's goal line while maintaining possession of the ball.

In all football games, the winning team is the one that has the most points or goals when a specified length of time has elapsed.


For the history of only Association Football, see History of football (soccer)

Throughout the history of mankind the urge to kick at stones and other such objects is thought to have led to many early activities involving kicking and/or running with a ball. Football-like games predate recorded history in all parts of the world, and thus the earliest forms of football are not known.

Ancient games

Documented evidence of what is possibly the oldest organized activity resembling football can be found in a Chinese military manual written during the Han Dynasty in about 2nd century BC.

It describes a practice known as cuju (Traditional Chinese: 蹴鞠; Simplified Chinese: 蹴踘; Pinyin: cù jū) which involved kicking a leather ball through a hole in a piece of silk cloth strung between two 30 foot poles. Another Asian ball-kicking game, which may have been influenced by cuju, is kemari. This is known to have been played within the Japanese imperial court in Kyoto from about 600 AD. In kemari several individuals stand in a circle and kick a ball to each other, trying not to let the ball drop to the ground (much like keepie uppie). The game survived through many years but appears to have died out sometime before the mid 19th century. In 1903 in a bid to restore ancient traditions the game was revived and it can now be seen played for the benefit of tourists at a number of festivals.

Mesoamerican ballgames played with rubber balls are also well-documented as existing since before this time, and are thought to have resembled football in their earlier versions; but since later versions have more similarities to basketball or volleyball, and since their influence on modern football games is minimal, most do not class them as football.

The Greeks and Romans are known to have played many ball games some of which involved the use of the feet. The Roman writer Cicero describes the case of a man who was killed whilst having a shave when a ball was kicked into a barbers shop. The Roman game of Harpastum is believed to have been adapted from a team game known as "επισκυρος" (episkyros) or pheninda that is mentioned by Greek playwright, Antiphanes (388-311BC) and later referred to by Clement of Alexandria. The game appears to have vaguely resembled rugby.

There are a number of less well-documented references to prehistoric, ancient or traditional ball games, played by indigenous peoples all around the world. For example, William Strachey of the Jamestown settlement is the first to record a game played by the Native Americans called Pahsaheman, in 1610. In Victoria, Australia, Indigenous Australians played a game called Marn Grook. An 1878 book by Robert Brough-Smyth, The Aborigines of Victoria, quotes a man called Richard Thomas as saying, in about 1841, that he had witnessed Aboriginal people playing the game: "Mr Thomas describes how the foremost player will drop kick a ball made from the skin of a possum and how other players leap into the air in order to catch it." It is widely believed that Marn Grook had an influence on the development of Australian rules football (see below). In northern Canada and/or Alaska, the Inuit (Eskimos) played a game on ice called Aqsaqtuk. Each match began with two teams facing each other in parallel lines, before attempting to kick the ball through each other team's line and then at a goal.

These games and others may well go far back into antiquity and have influenced football over the centuries. However, the route towards the development of modern football games appears to lie in Western Europe and particularly England.


blocking foul:阻挡犯规


charging foul:(带球)撞人(犯规)

dead ball:死球(停止比赛进行时段)

defensive basket interference:防守方干扰投篮得分

delay of game:阻碍比赛之正常进行


double dribble:两次运球(违例)



expiration (of game, first half…):(全场比赛,上半场…的比赛)时间终了

first half:上半场

first (second, third, fourth) period:比赛的之一(第二,第三,第四)节

five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…):(全场比赛,时限钟上…的)时间只剩下5秒钟

flagrant foul:恶性犯规


foul out:犯满离场,“毕业”

foul trouble:快要犯满离场,“领到一张准毕业证书”

full timeout:全时(100秒的)暂停



held ball:持球(双方均持球不放)

illegal defense:防守违例

illegal offense:进攻违例(见isolation)


jump ball:争球,跳球

loose ball foul:双方均无持球权时的犯规(通常发生于双方争夺篮板球时)

offensive basket interference:进攻方干扰投篮得分

out of bound:球出界线(千万不要说outside)



second half:下半场

shot clock violation:违反24秒内必须投篮(并且球必须触及篮框)时限之规定



technical foul:技术犯规

ten-second violation:进攻方10秒钟内未带球过中场之违例

three-second violation:(篮下)3秒钟之违例

throw a punch:出拳打架

throw in:发球入场


twenty-second timeout:只有20秒钟之暂停

