不要害怕挑战 英语作文带翻译
Do not be afraid of challenges
Black Mamba,black mamba is one of the deadlist snakes in the world,and the reason why I got the name is because when I step on the basketball court,that’s what I become,so off the court,you know,laughing,joking and playing,but once I got on the court,right after I’ll become the other person,the other thing,It helps me focus.Now I’ll be 35,the end of the career is much closer than the beginning was,and than I have an injury like this happen to me.You feel like everthing just comes to a stop.It wasn’t a knee injury,wasn’t a shoulder injury,it was an injury that a lot of people have lost their career.The injury that some people had had,they would never come back to play.In that moment,it become a time I had to look in the mirror,and I had to say to myself:Kobe Bryant you are gonna do,you are gonna do? Because a lot of people say you can’t come back.I know what kind of injury this is.I’ve seen people are not coming back,and I had to look at myself in the mirror and say: OK,now is time to step out,time to step out.I don’t know if I’m able to come back from it.But in this year I’m telling you now I’m gonna come back for 100%.But I don’t know for sure.You know I have moments,I have days down myself.But to me,that’s the exciting part of challenge.That’s when I realize,you know this is a great opportunity to come out and show everbody this is how you responsed to a challenge,the people who say you’ll never do it,you’ll never make it.this is how I look at that.The people that say you’ll never come back from the injury,to me,that means if they had this injury,if they had this injury,they would quit.That’s by no means to me,cause (they say)when they look at me they say I can’t do it.That means if this happened to you,you won’t do it.So I have to show it to them,I have to show it to them.This is my desire showing to people who’s been supporting me that this can’t be down,I can come back from this.By me coming back from this show to the people who had douted me,hope to make them reconsider what’s possible.I think that’s the important story about scars,the scars nothing but a good story anyway.
It’s a passion (of my) to try to win,because it is the hardest thing,a team forced to do is to win the championship.And as a compe *** ,you want to go after that which you feel is the biggest challenge.The biggest challenge is how you take a group as an individual,and help them become one and get on the top of the mountain again and again and again.And that’s the biggest challenge in team sport and that’s why love going after,and I think the important thing to me has always been responsing to challenges,not being afraid of those challenges.But more importantly is always be a constant curiosity,how to get better,and how to be better and where to learn from.And even till these days go back when I was a kid,I always look for inspiration from everwhere,not just Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson,also from Michael Jackson,from Bethoven,from Davinci,from Brucce Lee.So many different people that I try to look through,that I try to learn from.And I think that’s really the biggest thing about having the mamba mentality.But it is really about wanting to learn,and you feel like your cup is always empty,because your dish is always more than you can fill it with.That is really important thing is continuing to learn,learn,learn,seek out knowledge,talk to other people.And that feel like you have all the answers,I think because of this ,you want to end up getting better,you want to end up improving,and that is a byproduct you wanna end up winning maybe a bit more than someone your compe *** hopefully.That’s to me,that’s what the mamba mentality really stands for,that’s the beginning of what that attitude stands for.If I can use some of the basketball experience I had to pass on to some of you guys.No matter what you’ll do,if you want to be a basketball player,you want to be a writer,you want to be a TV host,whatever it is that you want to do,it’s making sure that you focus with lessure like position on that goal,and you learn from other people who have been great,because no matter what they are doing,there is always a common thread,there is always a common denominators between what has made people great,what seperates the good from great.And that’s the messages I’m carring to you guys!
----Kobe Bryant
不要惧怕新的挑战 作文
很快,爸爸就推着车带着我来到了一块空地。平时,这辆车看上去很普通,可是骑起来就不这么简单了。开始,我一上车就掉了下来,在地上折腾了老半天,才回过神来,爸爸在旁边笑着问我:“依依,还想学吗?”我毫不犹豫到答到:“想!这点困难难不倒我!”在哪里摔倒,就在哪里爬起来!这是妈妈常教我的 一句话。
永远别害怕新的挑战 作文800字左右
拿破仑说过“避免失败的更好 *** ,就是决心获得下一次成功。”可见,面对挫折的勇气,便是从微笑中汲取的。我们不能只停留在失败的痛苦当中,做无所谓的挣扎。坚信你的痛苦只有过去,而明天是充满希望的!微笑面对挫折,迎接新一次的挑战。生活中,没有永远的胜者,也没有永远的败者!